Photographing your moments in San Francisco, California

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Please clean up after yourself and your clients. Please throw away garbage, sweep if needed, wipe down dirty surfaces, etc. If you rearranged any furniture or props, please put them back on how you originally found them. You can find trash cans, a mop, and a vacuum in the kitchenette that you are permitted to use to clean up after yourself in the studio.  

Please refrain from removing any items from the studio. If any items are discovered missing during your allocated time, we will thoroughly examine the studio's recorded footage and, if needed, hold you responsible for covering the cost of replacing the missing items.

Any tape or gummed backing materials must be properly removed. If damage occurs to the studio or any of the items in the studio during your time slot, additional fees will be charged.

Please be prompt with your rented time slot. The time slot you reserve includes your setup and clean up. A $20 fee will be charged for every 10 minutes that if you go over your allotted time. In the case that you wish to extend your session time, call or text 4197084089 - if the time slot directly after yours has not yet been booked you may be able to extend your must contact Suite 100 by email and receive confirmation that the space is available after your scheduled time. If additional time is available, you will be billed hourly at $60/hr

No nails, screws, staples or penetrating items should be used on our walls without prior approvals. 

It is understood that there is no on-site staff available. If needing assistance, please email

An email will be sent to you 24 hours in advance of your rental with explicit instructions on how to access the Gardner Building and Suite 100. Suite 100 is located on the first floor of the Gardner building, but up a half flight of stairs. The Suite is accessible by ramp at the Superior Street entrance to the building. If you have any issues accessing the suite, or if there are any excessive messes or damages to the Suite upon your arrival, please call 419-708-4089 immediately. 

Please close the curtains and lock the studio door behind you to ensure the safety of our space. The door without the Suite 100 logo is not to be unlocked for any reason. If it is it MUST be bolted back in place for the Suite to be fully locked. It is imperative that the key to the building, if needing to be unlocked, is returned to its lockbox for the next renter. **FAILURE TO LOCK THE SUITE DOORS OR RETURN THE KEY TO THE KEY BOXDO SO WILL RESULT IN A $50 FEE.** 

During the duration of your rental, you bear the responsibility for ensuring that both you and your clients or guests behave appropriately. If any actions are deemed dangerous, illegal, or negligent, the rental may be terminated right away. In such cases, it may be necessary to contact law enforcement or pursue legal measures as deemed necessary.

Please keep noise levels to a minimum. We share a building with other businesses and ask that you respect their work environment. 

No smoking of any kind allowed in the studio or anywhere in the building. $200 is charged if not followed.

THE PREMISES IS UNDER VIDEO AND AUDIO SURVEILLANCE AT ALL TIMES. By agreeing to these rules and being present at your rented time slot, you are consenting to both the video and audio recording during your allotted time. You further understand that you, the renter, are responsible for notifying your clients/guests of this provision and/or obtaining any waivers/permissions required for this video/audio surveillance. In the event of any clothing changes, the private bathrooms may be utilized. Renter and their guests are under notice there is no expectation of privacy in the premises outside of the bathrooms.

Food and drink are allowed in the studio, but not allowed on the furniture.

No pets allowed.

No open flames, candles, confetti, glitter, silly string, champagne popping, paint or smoke bombs allowed.

No glue, duct tape, poster putty, super glue, or any kind of sticky adhesive that cannot be easily removed is to be used at at time on any surface. 

No nails, screws, staples or penetrating items should be used on our walls without prior approvals. 

No standing on furniture. No more than 4 people on the couch at a time, and no sitting on the arm rests. A fee is charged to the renter at owner discretion if furniture is damaged. A cleaning fee will be charged to the renter if any furniture is stained for any reason. 

Suite 100 is not responsible or liable for any lost or stolen items. Items left behind in Suite 100 will be thrown away. Suite 100 is not responsible for any items left behind at any time. 

Maximum 20 people in the studio at a time. Workshops and events must be approved beforehand. Please email us with the details to inquire about hosting a workshop or event.before booking.


This agreement releases Owner from all liability relating to physical injuries and/or injury to Renter’s equipment that may occur during any future rental period agreed upon between Owner and Renter. Renter agrees to hold Owner entirely free from any liability, including financial responsibility for injuries incurred, regardless of whether injuries are caused by negligence.

Renter will be liable for any physical damages, legal actions, and/or loss of reputation or business opportunities that Owner may incur as a consequence of the actions of Renter or any of Renter’s guests while Renter is in control of the premises and shall indemnify and hold harmless the Owner against any and all legal actions which may arise from Renter’s use of the premises.

Property - Renter agrees to maintain the premises, furniture and all equipment within the space in as good a condition as they were at the beginning of the term. They agree to dispose of all trash in the provided trash cans and clean up any messes that occur during their rental period. If you fill the trash during your session or throw away garbage that might cause a bad odor in the studio, we ask that you let us know so we can remove it in a timely manner. If the studio is not left in good condition (i.e. trash thrown away, props placed back in original locations, and messes cleaned up) and/or the Renter is late leaving the premises, they will be subject to a minimum fee of $50 and may be denied future bookings.


All paymentsdeposits are non-refundable, no exceptions. 

Renters are able to reschedule up to 24 hours before their rented start time. 

There will be no refunds on unused time.

SUITE 100 RESERVES THE RIGHT TO CANCEL ANY BOOKINGS AT THEIR DISCRETION. In the rare case that this happens, a full refund will be given.

Terms and Conditions